
Then, we will index it with a gensim tool: python -m gensim.scripts.make_wiki \ enwiki-latest-pages-articles.xml.bz2 wiki_en_output. Run the previous line on the command shell, not on the Python shell. After a few hours, the index will be saved 



2018/01/11 pages-articles.xml 1G→4.1G 1,227,154 全ページの最新の記事本文を含むXML × pages-logging.xml 46M→433M 1,000,000 Wikipediaのページに対する操作ログ pages-meta-current.xml 1.2G→5.4G 1,621,574 pages-articles.xmlと 2014/08/14 2016/05/20 2017/04/22

enwiki-20170201-pages-articles-multistream xml bz2 13.5 GB 15.02.2017 0 0 Apress Csharp and XML Primer 1484225945 4 MB 27.02.2017 0 0 Miko Lee - Interview - [BTAW][BZ][HD] 2.1 GB 18.03.2017 0 0 XML DOM basics 0 2019/05/09 from gensim.models.keyedvectors import KeyedVectors model_path = 'enwiki-latest-pages-articles.xml.bz2' w2v_model = KeyedVectors.load_word2vec_format(model_path, binary=True) when I do this, I get 342 with utils.smart pages-articles.xml.bz2 and pages-articles-multistream.xml.bz2 both contain the same xml contents. So if you unpack either, you get the same data. But with multistream, it is possible to get an article from the archive withoutxml 2019/11/01

2014/09/20 2018/01/18 2012/02/25 2019/11/24 2014/12/31 そのため、このウィキペディアのダンプのサイズは約10 GBで、「enwiki-latest-pages-articles.xml.bz2」という名前が付けられています。ダンプを解凍するために、ターミナルで次のコマンドを試しました。 tar jxf enwiki-latest-pages-articles

Important: Beware that MWDumper has not been actively maintained since the mid-2000s, and may or may not work with current deployments. Apparently, it can't be used to import into MediaWiki 1.31 or later. MWDumper is a tool written in Java for extracting sets of pages from a MediaWiki dump file.

2018/01/11 pages-articles.xml 1G→4.1G 1,227,154 全ページの最新の記事本文を含むXML × pages-logging.xml 46M→433M 1,000,000 Wikipediaのページに対する操作ログ pages-meta-current.xml 1.2G→5.4G 1,621,574 pages-articles.xmlと 2014/08/14 2016/05/20 2017/04/22


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